ready to take action for biodiversity?

Are you a business looking to meet your ESG targets, a farmer or co-op committed to sustainable food production, or an individual, group or organisation striving to conserve or create wildlife rich holdings and habitats?

Our team of experts will help you to take action for biodiversity through the design of science-based, customised biodiversity action plans - let’s get started, contact us here!

  • agriculture

    Sustainability is the big buzzword in modern farming and can help you to meet the challenge. Our consultancy service will help you to find creative ways to work with nature and preserve the natural heritage of your land through the design of customised biodiversity action plans. We’d be delighted to chat to you about options that might suit you and your unique farm - please do get in touch.

  • Business

    Make an impact for the environment and meet your ESG targets with's consultancy service. Our team of experts can help companies to assess their impact on biodiversity, develop management plans to minimize these impacts, and report on biodiversity metrics in accordance with the CSRD and other reporting frameworks. Get in touch to see how we can help you to demonstrate your commitment to protecting biodiversity.

  • Space for nature

    Are you looking to create more space for nature and encourage wildlife to visit your garden or estate? Whatever your starting point, our team of experts can help you to create a plan that will take biodiversity to the next level on your holding. Get in touch today and let's work together to create more space for nature across our landscapes!

  • Community projects

    Empower your community to make a positive impact on the environment with's consultancy service. We can help you to design customised plans to enhance biodiversity as well as provide educational content to build long term community impact. Contact us today to see how we can help you to create a sustainable and wildlife friendly future for your community.

  • Science communication & research

    Environmental education and awareness of the natural world are key to creating a sustainable future. Our consultancy service can help you to translate hard science into engaging educational content for your website, promotional materials, pitch deck or curriculum. Get in touch today to see how we can help you to find simple ways to leverage the impact of hard science.

  • Non-profit and public sector

    Are you an NGO striving to create a more sustainable future, or a state organisation looking to meet challenges in the biodiversity sector? Our team of experts can provide customised plans, scientific research and educational content to help you to enhance biodiversity and extend your reach. Contact us today to see how we can help you to increase your impact.

What our clients say

  • "... a depth of knowledge and expertise in biodiversity conservation ... as well as a high level of professionalism and attention to detail"

    William Fitzmaurice, UCD Earth Institute

  • " excellent ability to translate hard science into clear, easy-to-digest information that aims to encourage action"

    Brigid Barry, Farming for Nature

  • "feedback from employees was extremely positive ... very knowledgeable and engaging ... helped employees feel like we have made a difference"

    Timothy Long, Fidelity Investments

  • "...fantastic to work with ... work was on time and excellently finished ... passion for the environment really shone through"

    Saoirse McHugh, Wild Parks

  • "extremely knowledgeable ... a practical and specific biodiversity action plan ... excellent support throughout ... results of the project have been amazing ... can't recommend the service enough"

    James McManus, Landowner, Co. Tipperary

  • "excellent value for money... insightful detailed plan with clear range of practical steps ... prompt and thorough follow up to queries after delivery of plan - a quality service"

    Martino Newcombe, Farmer, Co. Galway